Formation of readiness of biology teachers to use CLIL technology in professional activities


  • Roza Mаmykоvа Zhanibekov University Автор
  • Гулжахан Утегенова Ө.Жәнібеков атындағы Оңтүстік Қазақстан педагогикалық университеті Автор
  • Эльмира Жаппарбергенова Автор
  • Айнур Таева Автор



CLIL, methods, English, lesson, competencies, integration


Currently, all countries of the world consider it important to speak an international language, including English. We need to master several languages to ensure that our younger generation remains connected to global civilization. This is a necessity arising from the demands of modern times. The purpose of the study is to identify and develop methods for developing the readiness of future biology teachers to use CLIL technology in their professional activities. The research involves students and teachers from the secondary school named after Makarenko in the village of Sas-Tyube, Tyulkubas District, Turkestan Region. An analysis of research, including scientific and methodological literature on the topic, has been provided; a lesson plan was developed using the subject "Biology" and an integrated module of the subject "English". A survey was conducted among science subject teachers at the school to determine their attitudes towards using CLIL technology. The results showed that this technology is considered rational, but some drawbacks were identified: there is limited time allocated to students in general secondary schools, a lack of qualified teachers, and a lack of understanding of this technology by parents and students. Respondents also demonstrated a shortage of materials, insufficient information on using CLIL technology, and a decline in teachers' proficiency levels. Thus, the formation of teachers' readiness to use CLIL technology is a key factor in the successful integration of innovative approaches into the educational process and the achievement of educational goals in the 21st century.


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How to Cite

Formation of readiness of biology teachers to use CLIL technology in professional activities. (2024). ILIM, 40(2), 68-81.