The pedagogical significance of studying medicinal plants in a school biology course
medicinal plants, schoolchildren, level of Education, biology, circle, research project, experiment.Abstract
In the article, biology teachers are taught to study medicinal plants in the school biology course. choose the most rational, convenient, modern, visual, easy-to-understand and easy-to-master educational material one of the most important tasks is proposed. The level of formation of knowledge about medicinal plants to determine, pedagogical experiments were carried out in grades 6 and 9, the results of which were he pointed to the signs. However, the program "Phytodoctor", developed for students of the 6th grade with their participation, the level of their education has significantly increased. To increase the knowledge of students in the 9th grade Work has begun on the development of the elective course" Pharmacognosy". Pedagogical experiment results optimal conditions for studying useful plants education under the guidance of a biology teacher research work of recipients (individual or group projects), their new research indicates that extracurricular activities that stimulate the search for knowledge in the future directly affects the choice of the recipient's mind and professions