Химия пәнінен оқушылардың шығармашылық қызығушылығын қалыптастыру





creativity, development of thinking, innovative technologies, interactive methods, critical learning, experimental research


The development of students' creative interest in the subject in the process of teaching chemistry is largely due to the ability of students to work independently, perform an educational task in full independence, and apply the research method. New innovative technologies introduced into the education of schoolchildren contribute to the teacher's rise to a new level. Interactive methods were used to develop students' creative thinking and interest in chemistry. In chemistry, according to the section "Periodic table of chemical elements", classes were held using innovative technologies, it is planned to increase the activity of students for classes. From the two classes in which the study was conducted, a test to verify previous knowledge and a questionnaire were taken, and according to the results of the summative assessment for the section, a control group and an experimental group were selected. In the teaching of chemistry, classes were held to develop and enhance the creative thinking of students. In order to identify students' interest in the subject according to the methods used, a survey was conducted among students, and according to the results of the classes, academic performance significantly improved. The activity of the students was assessed during the lesson. The results were analyzed, on the basis of which diagrams of educational achievements of students were compiled. According to the lesson, the educational achievements of students of grade 7 "B", conducted using the traditional method, increased from 92% to 96%, the educational achievements of students of grade 7 "A", conducted using innovative technologies, increased from 76% to 88%. the use of modern innovative technologies in chemistry lessons increases the activity of students, organizes cognitive and research activities of students.


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How to Cite

Химия пәнінен оқушылардың шығармашылық қызығушылығын қалыптастыру. (2024). ILIM, 39(1), 47-63. https://doi.org/10.47751/skpu.1937.v39i1.4