Requirements for writing an article

1. Previously unpublished articles are accepted to the journal. The article is accepted in electronic format (doc, docx), by e-mail of the journal

2. The optimal volume of a scientific article (with the exception of the title, information about the authors, annotations, keywords, list of references) should be at least 3000 and no more than 7000 words.

3. The paragraph is 1 cm, the text is typed in a single interval, the field parameters are: top – 2 cm; bottom – 2 cm; right – 2 cm; left – 2 cm. Font size is 12, font type is Times New Roman. Page numbering: not required.

4. A drawing, table, graph, diagram, etc. are marked with a number and name inside the text. (For example, Figure 1 is the name of the drawing). The number of figures, tables, graphs and diagrams should not exceed 20% (in some cases 30%) of the total volume of the article. The tables should be numbered and titled. They must be mentioned in the text.

5. The first page:
a. UDC – universal decimal classification, GRNTI code ( /) state rubricator of scientific and technical information, ORCID / (from English – "Open identifier of the researcher and participant") — a non-proprietary alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies scientific authors.
b. Full name of the author(s) articles, academic degree, place of work (location), city, country, e-mail are indicated with affiliation in 3 languages (Kazakh, Russian and English). Information about the authors is presented in lowercase letters and italics.
c. Complete information about the authors is provided in a separate file (full name, academic degree, place of work, address, cell phone number, email address).

6. The title of the article should disclose the content of the scientific work. The title of the article should be rational, revealing the content. It should be understandable. However, avoid sensational topics in order to attract the reader's attention. The title of the article should be indicated in Kazakh, Russian, English and Turkish in bold capital letters.

7. Verification of all scientific articles is carried out using a licensed plagiarism verification system and only those with an originality score above 75% are sent for publication.

8. Abstract in the volume of 150-300 words in three languages (Kazakh, Russian and English). No more than 300 words. If the article is in Turkish, then together with Turkish in 4 languages (without formula, without bibliographic references). Abstract – a brief description of the purpose and content of the article, its features along with the main object.

9. Keywords/phrases – a set of words reflecting the content of the text from the point of view of the scientific field and research methods. The number of suggested keywords is 5-7, the number of words in key phrases should not exceed 3 words and are indicated in three languages (Kazakh, Russian and English). Keywords should reflect the main content of the article, terms from the text of the article should be used, as well as terms defining the subject area and including other important concepts that make it easier and expand the possibilities of finding an article by means of an information search engine.

10. The text of the article. The main text should include the purpose, objectives of the article, the history of the issue under consideration, research methods, discussion of the results, and final sections.
a. In the introduction, the author introduces the topic, tasks and stages of the research. The introduction allows the reader to understand the authors' hypothesis and the means of verifying it.
b. Research methods – in this section, the authors need to present the methods and techniques used in the course of scientific work.- Analysis and results – the main part of the scientific article consists not only in the selected methods and approaches to research, but also in providing arguments with a theoretical analysis of the results obtained. In this section, the author summarizes the thesis of the research results. The results of the research work can be presented in writing and in the form of tables, diagrams, and statistical indicators.
c. Conclusion – in this section of the article, the author presents his final opinion based on the results of the research work, expressing a subjective opinion about the scientific work.

11. The list of references is indicated in the original language and in the form of transliteration in Latin letters (References). At least 10 references should be used in the article (transliteration ). Of these, 30% of the publications should be in the Scopus database. The journal uses a consistent citation system, i.e. in the article, in the course of presentation, the ordinal number of the cited source corresponding to the number in the list of references is indicated in square brackets. The list of references indicates the surnames, initials of the authors, the title of the monograph, collection, journal, city, publisher, year of publication, volume, number and total number of pages of the cited work (Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of acquisition are drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1 – 2003).

12. The article must comply with all ethical standards.

13. Articles for publication in the journal are accepted from all organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as other countries of the near and far abroad. E-mail of the magazine:
14. Information about the acceptance or non-acceptance of the article is communicated to the author within 2 months.

15. Scientific articles are sent to production after the results of a double "blind" review by scientists of the university and other universities, and the decision of the editorial board.

16. Manuscripts are edited and are not returned to the authors. The editorial board is not responsible for the content of the article.