Effective online platforms for remote Biology in English in general secondary schools
distance learning, оnline mektep, platform padlet, Flippity, Quizizz liveworksheets, information and communication tehnology.Abstract
Currently, the level of distance learning of students is increasing because of distance education. In the course of the work, it was noted that in addition to the disadvantages, there were positive aspects of distance learning. There are many opportunities for both students and teachers: ready-made tasks on provided platforms depending on the structure of the lesson. The article describes the most effective platforms for distance learning of Biology of the English language and several types of feedback. Today, Kazakhstan is undergoing modernization, and the requirements for teachers have been strengthened. The capabilities of this platform are clearly indicated. According to the suggestion of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, teachers were sent to special English language courses, where students were to study in English.They say that today the decree of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is being executed, and teachers use this opportunity. We are convinced that we can use this distance learning. The differences between distance learning and traditional learning in teaching Biology in English are described, which platform was convenient or difficult for students. The advantages and disadvantages of working with these platforms are shown.