About the Journal

"ILIM" journal is an open access international scientific and pedagogical journal that publishes and reviews the main results of research in the field of pedagogical science, including teaching methods at all levels of education in Kazakhstan and other countries, modern trends and new paradigms of education, monitoring of the learning and teaching process, measurement and assessment in education, organization and management of education, etc.

ISSN: 3078-8285 (Print), 3078-8293 (Online)
Journal website: https://ilim.okmpu.kz
Frequency: 4 times a year (March, June, September, December)

The journal accepts articles in Kazakh, English, Turkish, Russian. Materials are accepted through the website https://ilim.okmpu.kz based on the Open Journal System platform, that is, through the author's personal profile opened there.

Since 2020, the journal has been a member of the international agency CROSSREF, assigning a doi (digital object identifier) ​​number to each article. DOI prefix: 10.47751. In addition, the publication is indexed in Google Scholar.

The journal was first created in 2014 at the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute under the name «ОҚМПИ ХАБАРШЫСЫ – ВЕСТНИК ЮКГПИ». It was registered with the Agency for Communications and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and a certificate No. 14373-Ж (6.06.2014) was issued. In connection with the change in the name of the university, it was changed to «ОҚМПУ Хабаршысы – Вестник ЮКГПУ», and a certificate No. 16979-Ж dated 15.03.2018 was issued on registration and re-registration of the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan on periodic press publications, information agencies and online publications. On 17.05.2024, the journal was re-registered with the Information Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and a certificate No. KZ55VPY00092838 was issued.

Publisher (owner): NJSC South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University named after Ozbekali Zhanibekov